Friday 10 August 2012


What’s the big deal about complacency?
What's all the fuss about?
Why even bother with it?

Those are good questions, thank you for asking.  Oh you didn't?  Well, that's not surprising really.  Neither has anybody else—much.  But we should be.


Complacency is an important concept that's easily overlooked.  It comes in the guise of mundane self-satisfaction that quite ironically ignores the practicalities of the mundane world, and this lack of awareness means potential problems are missed. It's a form of intellectual laziness really—an attitude that says, “I can’t be bothered”—and it leads to disaster.

Isn’t that a bit strong?  No, it's not.  It’s how we got into this world mess in the first place.  That makes it dangerous.

Complacency encourages the formation of an alter ego called 'little me.'  Little me doesn't feel connected to the outside world so it doesn't care.  But then because it doesn't connect it can't feel supported either.  Little me sees itself as vulnerable.  Little me feels all alone.

When we don’t consider the ramifications of little-me thinking, we automatically isolate and limit ourselves.  And that's a grave danger too because we can’t exist in isolation.  A jaded history trades this tale.  It serves those who feel the need to tell others what to do to pass this lore; so we think we can't do without their protection.  But this has never been true except inasmuch as we believed them.

Slowly, slowly, we’re beginning to wake up to the greater truth of a different song.  Some are marching to the beat of a different drummer beginning to see how we're all part of a greater dream, the great whole, the infinite One—and we have been all along.

Just as soon as we realize this fully, first individually and finally altogether, well, then we dance. 


A unified energetic field underlies all there is, including all of us and all we do.  Much of this field is invisible so it’s easy to believe it doesn’t exist, but that don't mean it ain’t so.  This field is the mythical sea; the realm of No Thing, the breath of Source.  And since it lies under what we do see that means when we're standing with our truth we realize the essence of pure understanding.

Without the attribute of invisibility we’d be unable to perceive ourselves as individuals, and then we’d never notice others either.  In fact, no ‘thing’ would appear to be at all.  Invisibility creates the illusion of space that everything appears to be in—this is our stage and it gives us room to breathe.

So what’s hidden is an ally to existence generally, and to experience as well—it’s not our enemy.  When we realize the unseen exists and it connects us all together we can play mindfully within our apparent world in ways that work.  Ways that work benefit us all.

But complacency doesn't work.  It's a type of holding that’s contrary to the essence of All That Is (ATI).  Why?  Because the essence of ATI is invisible spirit—and the definition, the very intention of spirit is flow.  It’s the under-currency that charges everything up.

On the other hand complacency creates stasis, a state where we assume a position of torpid satisfaction; where we sort of venerate the status quo really and become content to let “what-ever…” be—even when it doesn’t serve us.  Since All is ever-changing this non-movement is anathema to All That Is. 

What does that mean?  Well, think of it this way: anathema is “a forceful curse,” and it comes from the province of religious order.  So complacency plays right into the hand of anyone who wants power over someone else.  And certain parties have known this for a very long time.

Certain Parties
Certain Parties


Our complacency has been easy to abuse.  Well, if we can't be bothered, who can blame them entirely?  If there's a buck lying on the sidewalk and no one else bothers to pick it up, wouldn't you?

So in the guise of doing us a favor others have offered to think and act on our behalf and before we know it we’ve given our power away.  This is the great downfall of a representative democracy, pretty much any religious 'order' or other corporation, or any subordinate personal relationship for that matter.  There have long been sharks circling.

By definition complacency always leads to inertia and inactivity of some kind or another.  And because All That Is must move in order to exist in the first place, this creates a need for motion from an external force.  Notice these words: external, force.

In other words indolence—whether mental, physical or emotional—demands commensurate action, so someone or something else must do our ‘spiritual’ work for us.  Energy must flow.  If it doesn’t the universal system begins to atrophy and die—and so do we.  Aha, that's why ‘sloth’ is a deadly sin.

But wait, there’s more.


As we said, when we’re complacent we give our power away, and without our power we feel insecure.  This leads to fear which leads to all other ‘negative’ sensations.  And when fear conjoins with external forces?  That creates dictatorships.  Let's notice the problems we face today.  Should we really wonder where it all came from?

We’ve been gently lulled to sleep, beguiled by the silky smiles of phantom benefactors.  It’s time to wake up.  Really.

But resistance is futile.  Why?  In practical terms it simply blocks flow and magnifies the problem.  Certainly we need action—but not any old action.  Action in the form of resistance amplifies our inability to act, sending matter in a sinking spin.

Such a spiral is a contractive formation that increases density, swallowing as it goes.  It's a feeding frenzy.  This increasing density locks energy up in the real dark matter.  Light becomes contained; information is withheld; and the deception is complete.  Sound familiar?

It should, because this is the foundation of the notion of a ‘place’ some like to call hell.  And hell is generally a one-way ticket for a very long time.  It's difficult to extract ourselves from density once we get past a certain point.  It's not a point of no return but it ain't easy.

Complacency provides the ride and personal power is the price of a ticket.  The only way out is through the sacred phi-ray­.  Why?  Because now we're talking about accessing real power.


By sorting our business, by releasing our density and involving all, we create a liberating phi spiral that converts mass back into energetic flow.  Interestingly, we can naturally manifest a phi spiral when we free the phi words: live, laugh, and love.  By the way, free is a phi word too.

Phir Rose Spiral
The Sacred Phire
Love is the energetic vibratory field of the liphe we call life.  They're simply two aspects of the same phenomenon:  life is love manifesting as conscious activity.  And the joke’s on us when we forget.

Feelings of fear and hate engendered by resistance produce the ‘opposite’ effect—fighting, destruction, misery and death.  So look out!

Instead we need to flow our thoughts, ideas, our feelings and our dreams.  Since we’re conscious beings we can exercise our mental bodies here.  The mind is a wonderful tool we can use to probe behavior and emotions, releasing everything we’re holding back with loving intent.  This sorts the blockage out allowing it to realign with its dualistic partner.

So when we sort our business we can whir-k again.  Then we all whir in concert.  Now that’s really whirking.

And this is the Great Work spoken of in esoteric circles.  In other words, we reform ourselves to create the world ‘out there’ as a reflection of ourselves inside altogether.  By mindfully sorting things out and letting them go we evolve the nascent ‘fool’ into the sage.  Our experience generates wisdom and we begin to fulfill our potential here, and now.  We do this by allowing energy to flow again.

With wisdom then, we can create a world or whir-ld within that's expressed without and so made manifest—a world we want to live in, all together.  And so, of course, we reclaim the power that’s been waiting for us all along.

All we need to do is realize and act appropriately.  And this is why responsibility is key.


Responsibility is not a burden to carry around on our backs like a heavy sack of coal—unless we make it so.  Such a fantasy has been promulgated by usurpers.  Of course we did invite them in with our complacency.  But we can realize instead that responsibility is our ability to respond.  This is a power not a liability.

When we relinquish our responsibility we burden the universe with the work we fail to do ourselves, whose only remedy then is to subject us to some form of external authority.  See the pattern here?

We do this to ourselves.

Historically, control issues have ruled us—not the other way around—and today we pay the piper for "whatever."  When we're content to entrust others with our ‘work’ we get to see where that leads. 

So these epochal times we're living through are a great reflection of our inattendance—of our intellectual and emotional laziness, and our fear.  In the wider world right now we’re presented with a mirror so we might see ourselves more clearly.  Instead of whining about it then, or resisting an external force, we can realize our inner truth, and act accordingly.

And when we look into that dark glass we need to shine a light so bright nothing finds a place to hide.  This takes courage, of course, and commitment too.

If we can’t be bothered, whatever holds out in dark corners will finally come back to haunt us.

The bigger question now is: just how much are we bothering to see?

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