Thursday 9 August 2012


Hey, what's really going on?  Who knows.

The system's broke—we know that much—but what can we do about it?  Let's check the general state of things to get a clue or two. 

Aren't you sick of being clueless?


Every day more and more ideas, conjecture and downright fantasies about our big fat mess circulate the globe.  We find a plethora of lies, disinformation, misinformation, some few truths great and small, an army of agents at work around the traps—and who knows whose 'side' they're on?—and somewhere in the muddle is a greater truth we can scarcely wrap our heads around.

As soon as we think we've got things worked out something new pops up to change it all again.  And don't you just hate it when that happens?

Because of its sheer magnitude we won't repeat a maudlin list of woes here—let's simply agree we have a mammoth problem.  No, no, not some sort of revived Ice-Age-DNA inundation—at least not that I know of yet—I'm talking about a lot of very dirty laundry on the save-our-sorry-selves list.

In any case, wherever it all came from, whatever form it might take, whatever goals may be mooted, however dastardly or benevolent any individual or group intention appears to be or whoever the key players ultimately are, one thing we can say for sure is, "We have issues."  Control issues—and lots of 'em. 

As we try to figure out what's up, what's down and what's all around we follow from one mad story to the next to uncover more and more details, only to discover they're still mere traces of a plan so complex and interwoven its bloody tentacles reach into every facet of human culture, thought, emotion, experience and activity.  Such a pervasive influence affects our ability to act constructively too.  Or was that the point?  Whatever.  It certainly is a big fat mess.

When we begin our search for just how deep the old rabbit hole goes we begin to see behavior we can scarcely comprehend operating at seemingly impenetrable levels.  No matter how much we discover or think we know all we seem to be doing is digging deeper and deeper into a bottomless dung pile.  Let's just hope the holy grail isn't in there.  The rabbit hole is looking less and less inviting every day.

As we plow through all this muck we find plans within plans, and backup plans for backup plans.  Where in the universe does it all end?

Such information as we can uncover is important to know of course and we'll look more at why further on, but its sheer volume and complexity quickly leads to overwhelm.  It's hard to function when your head spins—not to mention the smell.  It's dead and fishy.

With mountains of dung—er, deception—everywhere we look, we shake our heads in dismay and ask ourselves, who on Earth can we trust now?  Suspicion affects us so profoundly we can hardly conceive of what we're really dealing with or where to go from here.  In many ways we feel paralyzed.  And that's definitely not a good thing to have happen in a dung pile.

Once we recover sufficiently from the initial shock, it seems there's nothing else to do but push on through so we can find our way back out again.  What's that old saying again?  Oh yeah, in for a penny in for a pound—but at the risk of mixing metaphors and stirring up criticism, if it's not a pound of our flesh we have at stake it might be something even worse.  Who knows?   What's coming up next?

So we pick away as fast as we can at every lock we find and hope it's the last one—it isn't.  We try to spread the word, absorbing ridicule from naive relatives, friends and colleagues left, right and center, all snoring away looking so vulnerable in their skivvies while they're laid out on the couch in front of their BFF—the good ol' Teev.

Of course the army of disinfo agents doesn't make things any easier.  They undermine genuine credibility with the same ease a butcher bird pulls worms from the lawn after a summer rain—just as they're paid to.  Then they send us off on the latest wild rabbit chase with nary a cut lunch or waterbag in sight: dozens, hundreds, thousands of us all screaming like banshees to hurry up or we'll 'miss it' as we leap hopefully but fruitlessly over the fence that reins in the back forty.  Meanwhile, up front and center stage, the curtain's going down on the next act and we're all left holding the colostomy bag.  Yeah, they're just that good.  So far.

Well, all this effort takes a huge amount of time, and almost all our attention too—not to mention a very thick skin.  If we're not careful we'll need to turn into reptiles just to survive!

Following breadcrumbs does offer another advantage as well, just not for those of us trying to find out what's really going on.  The thing is it takes us so long to follow all these wormholes that those who leave the crumbs have all the time they need to find ways to work around any chinks in their plans we discover—well, the ones they don't want us to know about anyway.  They leave so many weird clues you have to wonder.  I mean they're not that stupid—are they?

There are times when the entire system seems like it's been one big fat setup from the very start.  You know, a little light entertainment for some mentally challenged entity or other; someone or something with nothing better to do.  Let's put it this way, if God's behind all these shenanigans he/she or it must be quite unimaginative really, and bored out of its universal mind.  I for one can come up with heaps more fun stuff to do.

In any case, we know we're being played one way or another—hell, even the players are being played—but what else can we do?

Well, the first thing is to kick the knuckleheads out of our brain cavities and realize there are practical solutions to every single challenge we face.  And we should never ever forget that, especially when things look grim.


If we stretch our minds and imaginations really far and wide, maybe we can think outside the corner of the box we've been cowering in these eons past.  So while we continue chipping away at the leviathan we can also figure out how to replace the whole sorry broken mess.

Groups all around the world are trying different things as we speak—some are even coming up with great ideas—but we remain disconnected and this presents another problem.  That's a wooly mammoth of a problem in and of itself.  Yeah it is.  But why again?

Well now, let's see: any void and every niche left at the end of this current system breakdown will be quickly filled by something; if it hasn't already been planned by the usual suspects that is.  Problem; reaction; solution.  Remember?  And that almost bears repeating because as we're coming to understand more and more clearly every day, it's unlikely to be anything we want.  Not even remotely.  We can't afford to leave things up to chance, nor should we.  We're simply much better than that.

Still, unless we have a clue about where we're going who knows where we might end up?  Dead ends abound in a dung maze and we want to find a way out.  What we need then is an entirely new way to frame our world.

In that case, let's spend some time imagining what form it might take.


If we can't agree right now, and we don't appear to be able to—not least because we've lost faith in our 'cherished' institutions and even trust in each other and ourselves, and maybe because we're no longer sure what we really need or even want we've been so blinded by science and all the rest of it—then try to find one good reason why we can't all rediscover a way to dream together.

Why can't we work on a goal that's so simple, flexible and universally acceptable that we realize some form of common ground unites us all at least conceptually right now despite what 'they' tell us?  There's no reason, and we can.

It's worth taking the time and making the effort because our reward is potentially and imminently huge: we get to cease fighting each other.  There are many more benefits of course, but the least we can say is, "Hey,  that's a bonus right there."

In the process we can learn how to trust each other again too (which is vital as we all should know by now).  We just need to be willing to accept that we'll figure out how to resolve all the nagging details that divide us so effectively even now—that we can resolve our bickering somewhere at a future point in time when we have the stability to do it.  And the stability we're talking about here?  It can be one we create.

We're being played for mugs and have been for a long time.  We're plied with deliberate distractions and diversions and then like total suckers we get caught up in the stuff even when we know the game.  But let's think seriously about all this.  Do we really need to cross every t and dot every i here and now when we scarcely see eye to eye on anything?  Is that even possible?  Let's leave the mug's game behind us for crying out loud.  Isn't it time already?

What we really need to do is paint a bigger picture.  So let's formulate an entirely new paradigm that works individually and all together.  There are 7 billion of us give or take, surely someone can come up with a really simple understanding we can all share in.  I mean really, how hard can that be?

One thing's for sure though, to discover it we first need to have faith in ourselves.  And then we need to remember this simple truth: dreams inspire vision, and with sufficient passion those visions have the power to create reality—our reality.  Well if that doesn't sound like a practical sequence to follow I don't know what is.  The old-school exclusive scientific game's pretty much played out by now, so don't you think it's time to try something new?

Instead of fighting over each and every point—which only slows us down at best and often stops us dead in our tracks, literally—perhaps we can find something else to share; a common dream of something better than the worn-out system we feel stuck in (it's so tired it moans and groans every time it has to get up, just like we do).  So if we come up with something new, instead of increasing resistance to what we don't want we can put our energy into creating what we do.

By thinking seriously outside the box we can imagine a framework that's malleable and nebulous enough in terms of its specific content that we realize we all hold the power together to manifest our individual and collective potential in ways we're all willing and able to live with.

Sound like a sensible plan?  Good.  Let's give it a go.

So just how do we construct a framework with room for everyone to live creatively, sustainably, freely and amiably.  By the way, do you recognize these attributes?  They're the basic intellectual and emotional requirements for human survival.  Think about it.

Well anyway, contemplating all this a model springs to mind that may be worth considering.  See what you think.  Maybe you have a better idea; in which case, spill it, please.  We need all the help we can give each other.

Until someone comes up with a better plan then, let's imagine this one for now and find out where it might lead us...


First consider an idea; an idea of a structure knit together in some fantastic way, made up of twirling multicolored yarns and fibers where every color and type represents each one of us.

Fiber Field Scaffold

Let's say we all imagine this idea, holding it in our mind's eye as we build our own segment of yarn to contribute to a potential we can't entirely conceptualize.  We don't need to and that's the point.

We manifest this idea into form from the inside out and from multiple points simultaneously—and each one of us has a point.  You see, it's a grassroots effort.  There's no limit to its size.

Cohesion of the final structure only occurs when everything 'pops' into being at the precise moment we connect all the pieces.  Once we do, we get a better look at what we have altogether, and how we might work things out from there.

But what might this ideal be?  Obviously we need to keep it very, very simple.  Well, here's a thought:

     To freely create a sustainable connection between us all.

If this is the thoughtform we seed together then our individual work will also be liberating, creative, constructive, and sustainable.  And who doesn't want that?  Oh yeah.  Well, besides them.  We're talking about regular folk here; those still in touch with their hearts and soul as well as their minds.

Let's look at the phrase to get a better feel for it.

Freedom speaks for itself.  Creativity is the foundation of all that exists so it makes sense to include that.  It contains the idea of constructive versus destructive behavior and effects.

Sustainability is a no-brainer too.  It's a catchall really that includes everything we need to make sure we end up with a working system.  Things like everybody having enough of what they need to thrive; making sure we're willing to care for each other, ourselves, and the world we stake our lives on; the ability to keep the system going with minimal effort and no downsides; the high valuation of not-so-quaint ideas like cooperation; that kind of thing.

Connection is necessary to complete the circuit and we'll get into more of that here in a short while.  'Us all' means no one's left out.  That way we don't have a bunch of disgruntled folk causing trouble (yes, you and me included!).  That pretty much covers all the basics without overdoing it.

Because it's a simple idea—and because we don't have to worry now about how it all fits together or actually manifests in the end—we can begin working on it today.

Fair enough, there's plenty to do, but how can it work if we're all doing our own thing?  Won't we have problems?  Nope, we won't.

See, this ideal forms a substructure or what we might call the primary dimension or seed-form of our new system.  We know it will work because each solution we come up with individually is based on the same basic premise.

It's like painting a mural together with a common theme and harmonious palette.  That's how we make it pretty.  Pretty and neat.  Pretty because it's harmonious and neat because it's organized.


Being an individual contribution of course each part, each piece of yarn is highly personal.  It reflects the unique perspective, life experience, desires and goals we have.  You know, the individuality we all cherish.  And because it's a grassroots effort, local issues are managed locally like they should be.  If something can't be handled at the local level we're all connected so we have the resources of the whole to draw on if we need.

Interestingly, while it's still being worked on it'll probably appear somewhat chaotic, maybe messy and disconnected.  That's because at this point its essential organization isn't yet visible.  But at the moment of unification suddenly a working system appears.  It's like magic.  But it's not.  It's just logical.

By holding a shared idea of this new system in formation while we work on it, our seemingly disconnected efforts establish an harmonious whole where everyone has a voice.  And the underlying structure created by the shared ideal then becomes the 'mass consciousness' of those who generate it—that's us.  It's the product of our individually inspired yet collectively oriented awareness and values.

While originally formulated in what we've called the primary dimension of the ideal, the system our collective dreaming creates emerges from the interplay of our unique twirling yarns—like a wildflower field grows together from disparate seeds to create a fabulous tapestry of form, scent and color.

In this case, every part of the picture tells a part of the story and the whole is based on our common theme.  This theme is our fundamental lore—or you can call it law if you really want to, either way it's the same thing.  After all, the so-called law is just an official story of our shared beliefs.  The difference is that since we completely believe in them we just accept them at face value.  But they're power over us is as nebulous in the end as the lore the law is based on.  It's our acceptance and compliance that make them real.  And these alone limit us.  See how that works?  Well we can use the same idea for our ideal, except this time we keep it simple.  That makes it manageable.

The distinction between the lore and the law was promulgated by some being or other who decided they wanted to control everything.  So they separated them by spelling.  Remember those wacky movies and cartoons they show us about an insane genius after world domination?  Yeah, we can't assume they were kidding.  Well, let's get over it now and move on then, shall we?

Realize that because we share the same ideal—one we all consciously agree on this time—the unique aspects of our individualized vision seed are related from the very start.  Really, we can hardly fail.


Once the parts are connected the system becomes a multidimensional field so there's room for everyone to live and grow inside it—just as that wildflower field creates realms for a variety of other life.  But in this case our consciousness is the field and we're the life within.  In other words, we create the kind of playground we want to play in.  What a good idea.

We can feel the presence of this energy field because its consciousness is ours, individually thought into being and constantly being knit together.  Our awareness becomes the interwoven structure of the basic 'fabric' itself, so how can we not know what we're doing?  Furthermore, no one who participates is left out of the picture.  And that makes a nice change too.

Imagine a human version of the wildflower field intertwining with the natural world in cliques of cultural adaptation, just as different regions produce their unique mix of flora and fauna.  Within our ideal framework we're the flow-ers of consciousness who co-create the structure itself as well as the physical life experienced individually within the field—and we're united by our awareness.

Look, we live in such a field anyway right?—one we're fabricating over and over again both individually and collectively whether we realize it or not.  Our every thought, emotion and action creates and sustains it.  These are what unite or divide us.  So who needs an 'alien' threat, whether it's real or imaginary?  Why wait for that act to play out and fulfill someone else's loony-tune agenda?

Our greatest threats to getting this done are apathy and resistance—and of course our doubt.  But we can reprogram ourselves.  Its better we do it than we remain at the mercy of some other programmer.

To make a world we want to live in all we need to do is agree on a shared ideal, and then act in unison.  This single event has the power to manifest a quantum change in the electromagnetic field we live in, generating a phase shift of unimaginable effect.

Which brings us to some more technical information.


Now, it only makes sense that every center is connected through zero point to the source of all existence, doesn't it?  Think about that for a moment.  The center of everything is connected to the source field.  Where else would a center connect?  The center is where everything and anything emerges from and revolves around.  That's Source.  And the center is the heart, right?

Well, we've known all along it's the heart that matters most even when they tried to push that make-believe about the will and the mind being the only thing that matters.  Now before anyone gets upset, let's be clear that there's nothing wrong with the mind, in fact it's key in its own way.  But the thing is to use them at the same time.

When we use our freewill mindfully to center in our open hearts and connect with Source, we phire in to access infinite knowledge, time, existence, wisdom and power while remaining grounded on Earth.  It might sound flaky or impossible but it's true, and the only reason it sounds odd is because we've been programmed not to believe it.  In fact deep down we know this already; we've just become separated from our inner wisdom.  So all we really need to do then is re-member it.  Even science is finally coming on board with this one because the evidence is too obvious to ignore.

So when we center in our hearts, engage our minds and act with determination we fulfill the design potential of our bio-electromagnetic bodies, engaging 100% of our brain capacity—not the 10% we typically use or even the 15–20% of a so-called genius.  And when we're on line—or connected to Source—our 'computing' power is far beyond that of any machine or so-called artificial intelligence.  How do I know?  That's easy, I've done it.  It was entirely brilliant and I'm willing to bet you'll love it too. 

This connection is available to us right now.  The speed with which information and understanding is conveyed equates roughly to instantaneous.  Time as a constraint disappears and entire paradigms are downloaded or accessed in the literal blinking of an eye in ways too complex and interwoven for the brain to process into words as thought, let alone to speak or write down.  Words themselves become poor simulations of a vast well of wisdom.  The spell-ing is broken.  It's like magic but the experience is so natural you'll wonder how you ever did without it.  It's effortless!

Unless we have some kind of massive brain disease, maybe, we all have this capacity.  Actually, it's the twinned dis-eases of fear and doubt that  constrained this ability in the first place.  Interesting isn't it that fear and doubt are the two key elements of all the nefarious plans we uncover.  Coincidence?  You decide.

Whatever you come up with, just know this: the energy field generated by unconditional and inclusive love is the lock and conscious intent is the key that opens it.  This is where the phi ray comes in.  Come on people, you don't think phi's the basis of the golden ratio for no good reason, do you?

Anyway, to achieve this globally all we need to do is amass sufficient power to generate the field and complete the connection.  This power comes from all of us—whirring together.  Once the system's up and running, well, then we're really whir-king.  So 'work' need be a dirty word no longer.  If we could just get past the fear and doubt we'd be more than halfway there.

Alright then, given all this, if we all flow in the same direction—all 7 billion of us—what kind of technology do you think can overcome that?

There isn't any.  None.  Nada.  Zip.

And who knows what potentials we'll re-member to liberate when humanity 'hums' as one?  Of course, I know what happened to me, but I was the only one doing it at the time so who can really say?  What we can say though is this: we won't need the help of any 'aliens,' not least because there won't be any.  Yay!  Or boo!  That all depends on how excited you are about them I guess.  But why won't there be any aliens?

Look at it this way: the field of pure love includes everything and everyone.  It has to or it's not pure.  Inclusion is a physical function of the geometry of phi.  So there are no exceptions: no enemies and no 'strangers,' hence no aliens either.  This is infinitely more inclusive than the feelings of love we typically experience now.  In fact, it's positively orgasmic (no kidding).  The phi-ray and love are both all-inclusive.  Actually they're just different aspects of the same fundamental energy.  That's why we get all hot and bothered when we fall in love.  It's also why we feel warm and fuzzy when we think about anything we love.  All forms of love are functions of the sacred phire.

Ironically, it's an involutionary field that leads to the evolution of Homo Sapiens.  The phi ray is the way we do it, so we lay phi, through love.

And suprise!  This is the purpose of the Human Race.  It's not a competition between us but a race to consciousness we all share and are in the process of realizing.  Well, hopefully anyway.  Whether we all get to do it is up to you and everyone else as well, although with a critical mass we can positively affect the field for all Earth, everyone and everything here, even those who don't get to such a point of awakening at that time.  Still, the more the merrier, as we so like to say.  With more doing it at the same time the shift will be more profound and more stable as well.  Once we turn this corner, so to speak, we'll never look back. 

To support the effort first we need to be willing to build our ideal form together.  That way we all know what we're all doing.  Note: we know what WE are doing.  And so there's another bonus with all this too, because then we don't actually need secrets anymore.  In the hyper-connected state there are no secrets anyway so we might as well get used to it.  Having said that, maybe we don't all absolutely need to know how you wad your toilet paper, so you can still keep that one to yourself I guess.  Of course if it has major implications you might want to pass it along—the information that is, not the paper!  (Thanks anyway.)

But if all that's not enough, sharing our awareness also reinforces our essential unity—which re-phires the system.  Hey, it's self-sustaining!  Once we flip the switch currency just flows everywhere we want it to.  Just like it ought to.

And the trust issue evaporates as well because we know that what unites us is a grand core idea—our ideal—one that each of us contributes to uniquely in a multidimensional field, a sort of  'webocracy' if you like.

And there's yet another bonus we should mention here too.  Because it's so highly distributed it's impossible to take down.

It's a fractal system this one.  That means its interior patterns reflect the whole and interconnect the way each plant in a field has the same basic system of roots, stem and branches, and reaches out to its neighbors to cover and share common ground.  In the same way our system can flex to encompass our hopes and dreams as we work out the practicalities of joining each part together within an organic living energy matrix.

It's flexible, resilient, and so are we.  We created it.


The moment our segment joins another we're free to explore what we've created together, and then we weave another dimension within as a living expression of our shared existence.

From inside we determine the texture, quality, and greater meaning of what we're achieving as part of the unified whole. It's where we actively play together.  Each part plays a part, right?

And everybody's now officially got an invitation.  So who wants to come to the party?


Of course from inside 'the system' we have a more limited view since we're focused on our own part, but because of this we enjoy a detailed impression that's inaccessible from the outside.

And as we increase our harmonious activity we increase the whole as well.  We expand, refine and explore together because what we create together is shared, and every contribution counts.

As long as we agree on a simple ideal for our new structure there's no limit to how it can be utilized and enjoyed.  There's no more need for global regulations and blanket laws that would quickly smother our creative potential.  We legislate ourselves.  Wouldn't that be a nice change?

Diversity makes sense because we don't want a monoculture, we want variety.


Now, groups can develop as subsets too.  By agreeing to further parameters to refine a particular portion of the whole they get to form a sub-association.  And what's more natural for social beings like us than that?  We can join a subgroup but we don't have to.  As long as we share the ideal we're part of the greater unit without any more effort or interaction than we want to put to it.

In the wildflower field, groups of like kind mass together to create a patchwork visible from a greater distance, but smaller groups or even individuals within these swaths of color create interest and beauty as well.  The potential mix of flowers is infinite within the finity of the field, just as it is for us.

So these groups can construct and explore whatever they choose to do together.  The only condition is that all their activities are willing, creative, connective and sustainable—which simply means they don't threaten the substructure that holds the system together in the first place.

To use our wildflower analogy again: we don't encourage invasive plants, nor do we destroy our soil's fertility or pollute the air and water.  And that's a natural assumption too when you think about it.  How did we go so far wrong on that one? None of us wants a nuclear reactor in our own backyard, so why would we put one in our neighbors?  The whole Earth is our backyard and everyone's a neighbor.  Just take a mental trip to the Moon, look back at Earth and you'll figure it out.

To put this all another way, within the framework of our new field, we're free to do whatever we want as long as we support the structure holding the stage together—our shared ideal.  It's that simple.  It really is.

And since we understand our system is part of a greater whole and we cohabit here, naturally the stage refers to all of Earth as well, including her atmosphere and even extended space (we don't want our wildflowers to destroy the forest, for example, because they shelter the field).  So we include the balance of life on Earth, particularly the consciousness of life—which means life generally and all of us too.


The keystones of this shared ideal are also simple:

  1. Our conscious agreement to assume individual responsibility:
    To maintain the integrity of the
    ideal that forms the common ground—or stage—where we play;
  2. Our willing agreement to share what we create with each other:
    To maintain balance and connectivity, and reinforce diversity within unity by realizing that as one grows all benefit.

That's it.

Within this ideal form each individual or subgroup is free to utilize space in its own way, and in fact is encouraged to do this to enhance the experience of all who relate to the system.  That's another big change from the status quo.

Now the term 'competition' takes on a whole new meaning too, one that's more in line with its own Latin roots: com (together) and petition (seek).  So this creative quest forms the basis of our individual life experiences, in which case the 'work' each of us does is enjoyed, shared, and highly valued as an enrichment of our collective creative potential.  And now every job is a good job because every job is important.

Regions attain a distinct cultural flavor according to the particular environment and desires of those who live there—just as they used to before the globalized monolith of corporatocracy invaded, drowning us in its relentless mac-doodle philosophy and synching our wonderful diversity into the homogenous pit of bore-the-living-daylights-outa-ya.  Let's face it, absolute uniformity is not only unnecessary it's entirely undesirable.

Remember too, homogeneity is more than simply boring, its weak.  We're looking to sustain a creative, flexible, harmonious whole, not a repressed global monotony.  With this shared ideal we honor each expression and are free to choose our own.  The integrity of the system is the responsible individual entwined within the whole.

Our individual creative expression then becomes the experience of life manifesting as our heart's desire.  This is our legitimate reward for seeking together.


Now, when we pan out from the individualized realm we begin to see and feel even more holistically.

In this way each human holds his or her own memory as well as what we create together.  Remember, we understand the foundation of what we're doing from the very beginning.  And since information is shared we foster a holographic awareness as well: every individualized part is a reflection of the ideal of the whole, and vice versa.

It's a resilient and equitable system when a shared ideal reigns: no one stands above another—no entity or group holds all the power, or all the risk.

No more lies; no more wars; no more dictatorship; and no more dung (once we sort that out we can place it in the compost and use it to fertilize the gardens of our new playground).


Of course the most difficult part will be resolving 'disagreements.'  Clearly we need to avert destructive conflicts since we're being creative, right?  But look, much of this is eliminated from the outset.  How?

With a holistic vision of healthy interconnection and a secure environment to live in, and by understanding the value and effect of working relationships and agreeing to creatively share, discrepancies will be fewer and generally worked out locally.  We don't use a sledgehammer to tap a pin into a corkboard.  Issues will also be understood by us all because we share what we have, so the resolution of any problems that come up will be well supported too.  This is one of the natural benefits of a holographic perspective.

Now, obviously, this ideology is a quantum leap from where we stand today.  It's a big ask so how can we manage to do it?

"It's impossible," I hear someone yell from the back of the theater. "You're loony!"  Well, I might appear to be, but the proposal itself isn't and it isn't impossible either.


All this fighting we've become so 'good' at is unnatural in the first place. 

Witness the trauma involved in getting us to hurt someone or take another's life.  Of course 'our' military and police forces put their neophytes through boot camps and grunt courses to dehumanize the consciences of cadets, instilling fear and obedience along with a sense of unquestioning loyalty—but in fact almost every institution or corporation has a similar program in place.  They're just disguised in psychologically softened terms so the 'killing' is done to competitors or the unwashed public with their contrary opinions and inconvenient demands.

Deep black programs have been set up all around the world to study this phenomenon (so we can figure there must be something to it) and it takes a great deal of effort, time and persistence to 'succeed' at controlling the human mind and spirit.  TV programming, advertising, media of all sorts, political party grandstanding, race cards, religions and the education system—all these and more are needed to keep us believing we're all rats in a race and pitted against each other.  Just where did you think the keeping-up-with-the-Jones' dictum came from?

I'm telling you it's unnatural for us to inflict hurt or harm on another.  It has to be programmed into us with great effort and it's been done relentlessly to maintain the order of some rather ill individuals who probably had it done to them.  You're free to believe me or not of course, even if you're programmed too.  But remember, we can reprogram ourselves.  We can rediscover who we really are, and just as importantly who we want to be.  We do this by reassessing what we're doing, how we're doing it, and why.

The language we use everyday is part of a powerful program.  This is why what we say and how we say it matters.

So there are two levels to spoken language we can look at here.

First, we have a general understanding of what we say and what we've been told it means that provides a superficial level of intent. Second, there's a much deeper level of meaning that goes to the source of sound itself.  At this level a much more significant undercurrent of intent is expressed.

It's interesting too that if we look at the words we use and the current meanings assigned to them we discover how many have changed over time.  There's a pattern to this change that's highly suggestive, especially when we find specific eras where most of these were made.  The question of why can be answered by two words: power and control.  OK, so that's technically three, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, most of the negative words we use today (if not all) originally had positive connotations.  They've been subtly tweaked over the centuries to produce an entirely different meaning when we use them day to day.  There are lateral associations between homonyms that have been lost to us as well.  So we need to go back to the source to interpret what we say and how we say it.  We can do this by following the etymology first to examine the original meanings of words, and then go even beyond that to understand the basic sound codings.

There's a whole new level of meaning in these codes that speaks to the genesis of existence through energetic flow—inspiration, aspiration, respiration and expiration, for example.  This is the primal breath articulated in many religious and esoteric traditions.  Once emergent, energy plays (or pi-lays) to form all manner of things.  Patterns are created and these are held so we don't have to start at the beginning every time we want to manifest something.

Think of the layers of programming language that allow your computer to run easily and efficiently, providing a user-friendly interface for those who don't understand how to manipulate the code itself.  By creating layers of languages—or sub-routines, embedded programs and so on—we don't reinvent the wheel every time we want to do something new.  We build one program on top of and even within the base operating system. 

But what happens when we can't understand or access the code itself.  Now we're vulnerable to infections of all shapes, sizes and effects, including the ability to parasitize or hijack our computers and wrest control away from us.  Witness the explosion of anti-virus software.  Have you ever wondered where it all started, and why it's so rampant?  Are all these hackers just that bored?  Or is there another sub-plot at work behind the scenes?  Or several?

In any case, this analogy shows us the general process for energetic waveforms to manifest as All That Is, and 'language' is key at every level, whether it's thought or imagined, symbolized, dreamed, spoken or written, and even when it's acted out within the sub-routine of our physical bodies—let's also notice how we speak of genetic code as well.  There are no accidents here.  And not all language is alphabetical.  We have the sonorous language of music, and mathematics too.  Then there are languages of color, texture, taste and scent, as well as archetypal visual languages spoken of long ago by Plato and still in use in indigenous cultures wherever they've managed to survive.

But let's take a quick look at some basic concepts that may help us understand how this actually works.

Briefly, once energy fires through zero point (the heart of the matter) it emerges from the ZIPfield (Zero-Infinite Potential field) or in current physics parlance the 'unified field' then individuates to eventually create the diversity of existence we see within our limited range of view, as well as all the rest we don't consciously perceive too.  This is the process of universal manifestation and it's based upon differentiation. In other words, without distinction nothing can appear to be at all.

So the conflict we see today is an aberration rooted in a misunderstanding of the firing process itself and it culminates in the fear of annihilation—which in truth cannot be.  Only nothing cannot be.  And then we find that the term 'nothing' presents problems we can't solve.  For example, how can something be nothing?  And if nothing isn't something, what manner of 'thing' is it?  It's no thing, certainly, but then we're saying no thing is.  Fair enough: so what is this 'no' thing that is?  We're on shaky ground here, that's for sure.  What me might say instead is that All exists, always has and always will. 

We can argue endlessly about the validity of citing 'nothing' in any form whatsoever.  Yet no thing is the foundation of who and what we are in this apparent world.  So this conflict as we think of it and express today is no more necessary than a fish needing to learn how to swim.  Understanding how this All works and the role the phi ray plays is key to manifesting a peaceful creative world.

There are many, many clues to be seen in our languages once we look.  We introduced the idea when we noted the relationship between the phi ray and love.  This is a good start but we'll go a little further when we examine the related hidden nature of fire, flow, laugh and life as well.  These are particularly important aspects of the generative program.

In the meantime, we can analyze what we mean by 'disagreements' and instead consider these more appropriately as differences. It's not simply a convoluted question of semantics but a simple adjustment that produces a powerful effect: where we saw conflict we now see diversity.

In terms of our wildflower analogy again, the plants in the field don't disagree with each other when one has a yellow star-shaped flower for instance, and another is white and tubular, they're simply different.  In fact it's their variety and contrast that creates the field's beauty.

Is there any good reason not to be the same?


In the natural world we know very well that diversity is an advantage: monocultures are weak and disease-prone.  If we're a monoculture we become weak too.  Furthermore, variety is more than just the spice of life, it's the reason and the means for it.

If diversity weren't important and valuable and desired, why would we all have different bodies with different eyes to see?  Why would there be such a multiplicity of species and groups within species here on Earth, let alone what we don't know exists elsewhere?  In all the world for all time no two snowflakes are the same.  Now what's that supposed to mean?  It's an intriguing fact.  Shall we just ignore it?

The practice of permaculture addresses difference with integration, rendering toxic action unnecessary.  As we each connect our unique contribution to an aggregate founded on our shared ideal we achieve integration too.  It's natural.  And with integration what we call conflict and other toxic behavior dissolves.

Variety strengthens all components of an integrated whole so they can flourish.  And once balance is attained overall it's maintained quite effortlessly.

Furthermore, if we're all on the same 'side' we've got each other's back, don't we?  We know we're not alone.  Just like threads and nodes support each other to create and maintain a web, so do we. 

This new structure is our ideal life-support web because we make it that way.


The concept of 'competition' the term conflict carries perpetuates the idea of the rat race as well as a brutalist interpretation of the phrase 'survival of the fittest.'  We, of course, are the Human Race, which means we either continue to compete against each other or advance as a species, all together.  It's a choice.

In any case, if we believe our survival depends upon the fittest then we need to know what form of fitness serves us best.

Flexibility and inner strength (aka the ability to respond), the capacity to include diversity within unity (as our physical bodies do), and good health (which manifests through balance) are always terms of fitness.

Brute force may or may not be, and malicious cunning never is in the long run.


Aggression leads to war and disagreement, and the apotheosis of 'might makes right' is based on a fundamentally non-human ideal.  Why? 

As we discussed above, Humans are naturally caring and supportive.  We're often dumbstruck when we perceive a lack of empathy in others.  It just doesn't make sense.  What does this say about our true nature?  Should we believe what others tell us or how we feel ourselves?

It's only when the so-called rational mind kicks in to superimpose it's beliefs on our native feelings that we encounter problems.  Again, this is caused by fear alone, which is usually intertwined with doubt.  Based on a fundamental misunderstanding, the mind creates fear above and beyond its program to sustain physical form.  While a rudimentary fear coding is certainly practical, surely there's no doubt now how the fear program has usurped its useful place.  This is why it's so important to center in our hearts again.

As the center of all emergence, the heart connects us to who we really are and it's important to understand the primacy of this function.  The mind is secondary.  So, center first, then use the mind to figure out how to respond appropriately based on feelings our heart reveals as true.  If we realize this truth and act upon it, be prepared to witness an entirely new way of interacting emerge—one we actually like and enjoy.

Feelings are an expression of the pure vibration of the field.  So while they're aspects of the field, they also comprise the feedback loop that relays evaluation of success or failure back to Source—through the heart! 

In this way they perform the function of reconnection to complete the circuit.  What comes out can only reconnect by going back in.  And this only makes sense when you think how the infinite potential field is All One and yet No Thing at the same time.  Each feeling is simply one differentiation of the no-thingness field; a particular waveform of infinite nuance and variety within the entire field of possibility or potentiality that can't be comprehended until it's felt, despite the mind's insistence otherwise.

The society that makes up the cosmic mind is used to mediate and direct emergent energy and bring perception back into the light of understanding.  And this, of course, is what we call re-cognition.  What stands under All That Is, is the ZIPfield, the Source—hence true understanding is sub-jective.  Being a product of emergence the mind is ob-jective and performs an invaluable role in analyzing what appears to be, creating consciousness.  It plays a vital part in the process of increasing awareness, but it only plays a part.

Let's put this another way.  We can connect the two words—a-part—and see how the mind plays apart.  This is its role.  But this apartness means it's always somewhat handicapped by notions of distinction or difference which are reflected perfectly in its objective emphasis and nature.  Recall how this is what allows the nothingness of the ZIPfield to manifest as something.

The key here is to re-member the illusion of apartness, to re-mind ourselves that what appears to be is fundamentally a lie (and also an ally to the process of manifestation), and then to reconnect through zero point to Source so we can continue the process of manifestation eternally.

This is the key to immortality.  And it's also the solution to our worries over annihilation.  And when this fundamental fear is assuaged, the notion of conflict falls from its place of eminence so our interactions change accordingly.  It's all as easy as pi.


Now, it only makes sense that, if the phi ray emerges from zero point to aspire to be in the first place, then the way back, the means of re-informing consciousness is to phire back in.  Think about it.  Phi is the only ratio that creates perfect expansion and compression.  There is no other.  Phi is the way.

And so if Christ said: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me," we might perhaps consider he meant that 'I' is love, while 'man' is the activated, energized flowing component or form of the mind.  The 'Father' then is a representation of the masculine element of All That Is (ATI): he who flows farther (a phi function).

This furthering aspect is what ATI does in order to express itself as One; hence the Father is also referred to as the Creator.  But Source must be the womb from which and within which all existence is first created, including the Father, so we need to extend the metaphor to say that She Is Under-Standing Itself.  The mind of the Father is simply an extension of Source.  It's the first thing that appears to be and therefore it's completely understandable that the illusion holds so well.

However, behind the scenes so to speak, is the 'is'-ness of Source which is No Thing we can name, yet everything and anything in potential.  It's the very breath of all life—the spirit of the Father, the Creator—without which  nothing can be, including the Father.  To emphasize his supremacy is to express the worst conceit possible really.  It's a perspective that limits and encourages unhealthy and illusory competition of the active 'masculine' aspiration which is always impelled into being by the 'feminine' inspiration.  One without the other is meaningless indeed.

In truth, they are two aspects of the same primal beingness, divided by will and differing only in appearance so the game of conscious exploration can be played out.  Reunited they form a healthy, functioning association whose creative ideal is expressed in the perfect society they share, where both work together to manifest ATI as One—to manifest a son, or a sun.  And this realization is why halos are depicted emerging from the field behind the physical seat of the illumined mind, the head.  Again, the field and the sun or son are but two aspects of the same phenomenon.  The Truth is One; duality is a lie, or ally.  Take your pick.

So we find two aspects of the same expression: on the one hand we see that separation and division are an illusion and on the other we discover that without this illusory expression existence can't appear to be at all.  This is underscored by the reconnection of a-lie into ally.  In other words, once we re-connect 'a' and 'lie' we see the superficial division as well as the alliance necessary from the very start to create beingness in the first place—and ever after.  Naturally, being all-inclusive, this alliance is expressed in the phi ratio as love.

On a more mundane level, in English phi is the root sound-code of love, life, laugh, fire, free, flow and all the other ph, f, and v words.  When we fail to realize what these really mean we get to experience the flip side: fear, fail, fall and all the other negative variations.  And we experience these until we understand the foundation of conscious existence, which is phi expressing as love and life.

This dichotomy is the ultimate issue of duality.  Once resolved we reestablish unity and regain our personal power; we co-operate 'as one' to become 'a sun.'  This is truly stellar—or ideal.  And again, it's no accident that these words are fundamental synonyms.

So when we let our minds dictate our reactions and behavior instead of our hearts we run the risk of making poor choices.  Remember, we can be of two minds about anything at all.  But have you ever heard of anyone being two-hearted?  If they truly were they'd be seriously bilocated and probably even more delusional than the rest of us.  Now that's saying something!

Think about it.  It only makes sense that we only have one center.  By definition, having two is a structural impossibility.  So the mind is a false god.  It's indispensable in the flow of awareness as we've said, but it has its place: primarily as the tool not the master.  When we operate merely as a society of mind we focus on the material realm.  When we co-operate as a society with heart we focus on our essential spirit, and it's spirit and only spirit that runs things from 'beginning' to 'end.'

However, since the purpose of ATI is to experience and know itself, and its essence is flow, then this spirit is eternal.  Why would creation stop itself from being?  It wouldn't because then nothing will be.  So there's no end and that means no death either.  There's only inward, outward and inward flow that repeats endlessly as respiration: the primal breath that inspires all existence and expires as it lets go.  When we realize this truth we cease being afraid.  So no wonder we've been programmed to fear death.  This programming has been a useful tool to maintain control but it's meaningless once we understand.

Now, there's another important issue here we need to talk about too when we speak of programming, and that's mind control.

Simply put, by allocating all influence to the mind we weaken ourselves.  If a mind can be controlled or shattered into a myriad of alters—which we know it can—then by giving primacy to our minds we subject ourselves to the possibility of external control, and then we give our power away.  Really, how easy would that be to instigate?

Mind control is a very subtle weapon and immensely effective.  The only thing that can overcome it is pure love and that comes from Source, through the heart.  Knowing this, wouldn't it be natural for anyone wanting to take over the world and all consciousness to elevate the function of mind over the heart?  If that were my goal I'd do it.  How about you?

But a heartfelt society can be initiated easily if we want to create it, because once we get a handle on the genesis of fear such a society flows forth quite naturally.

For instance, when disaster strikes we get to see who and how we really are.  In this case the element of fear can actually serve to unite us.  This is healing because it relays the energy of fear back into itself by the simple act of caring love to emerge as com-passion.  Fear united is cleansed by the fire or phi-ray of loving reconnection.  So we rally together; strangers help each other sharing expertise and strength. 

In other words, when the chips are down we're compassionate without even thinking about it.  We offer aid—we don't destroy.  It's only those who fear that take advantage of others and if we eliminate fear from the outset we've done most of the work already.  The rest is achieved through transmutation, which is the kind of thing that happens in the case of a disaster.  Through necessity communities cohere.

Knowing how it all works and more importantly that it does further allays our fears.  We are the help we need to get through whatever comes our way.

Remembering this we can trust ourselves and each other again.  This is an important point to ponder.


Let's recall our shared ideal again because this is the foundation of all we do individually.

Within the notion of a sustainable and creative interconnection lies a profound awareness: what sustains one increases the whole.  When disaster strikes we intuitively understand this.  What more do we need to say, really?

We can think of it like this: while the whole is 'greater,' the individual is great, equal and valued—they're simply different scales of 'one.'


Without a gathering together of parts there's no such thing as a whole.  Let's use the human body as an analogy.

Each and every cell contributes its being to our physical forms.  Without these cells we have no body; but then without cohesion of the cells we have no body either.  Clearly we need both individuality and cohesion to exist in physical form.  To cohere we must be harmonious.  If our cells fight each other our bodies deteriorate, even die.  To survive they co-operate—and so can we.

From human to humanity is a change of scale from oneness to greater oneness.  If our cells coexist creatively and sustainably to maintain our bodies, so each human body can recreate itself in a system of greater humanity.

Let's look at this another way.  Any unit has at least two conceptual elements: within (the individual components), and the boundary condition or limits that define it (cohesion).  Beyond is without, it's not part of the whole.

Clip a fingernail and we can plainly see it's no longer part of the body.  The poor little shard has become fractionated and will decompose sooner or later.  (Did you ever feel sorry for a nail clipping? Well neither did I until now so don't feel too bad about it!)  Separated from its immediate source the clipping loses strength and is no longer viable on its own.  While what remains of the nail is still part of the body and continues to grow.


If we're less than one we're always either a fraction of what we might be or else we're nothing at all.  This applies to any grouping.

When we look at it objectively we can see that if any part of a group is diminished so is the whole. 

Think of the body again and how the loss of a leg affects it.  In this case we become in some measure a fraction of what we were.  Of course we can still function without legs, but can we live without our center—how do we survive without a heart?  We can even be designated 'brain-dead' and still survive.  But heart-dead?

As we discussed earlier, there's a profound reason for this connection between center and heart so let's take another look at it.

The heart, being central, connects us with Source.  Through center is where we flow the 'spirit' that sustains our life.  Life, love and flow are functions of phi.  No matter what machinations our minds perform to divide, this fundamental truth exists. 

The center of anything connects it to the field; we're not connected from the outside, we're differentiated.  The facade or face of things is a mesmerizing illusion that manifests in order to appear to be.  What we see there is simply the outflow; it's what emerged from center to become 'outlying.'  And here's another clue: out lying.  We don't say appearances are deceiving for nothing.  Even inlying is a lie because in and out are simply different portions of one cycle.

Now, again, we can easily be of two minds, but again we're nothing without a center.  Our heart is that center and despite appearances to the contrary, in the end there's only one for all of us.  We share our ultimate source: soul is sole, and it is No Thing.  We call it a field but even this term is merely deceptive unless we consider it as a potential field—which in and of itself then is no thing, yet.  Appropriately, we connect to Source through zero-point.  To get there we lay-phi; we live, love, laugh and then we're free—well, that's the phi ray for you.

Now let's face it, to exist, a unit must be in agreement.  If what's inside refuses to subscribe to the limitations of its containment the structure fails.  This is how we live, and die.

It's also how we dissolve the present system—and recreate our own.

We work from the inside out not the other way round.  And despite the temptation to find an 'easy' way out, we definitely shouldn't put much effort into influencing change from the top down because although that might seem like a good solution—the old take-out-the-head-and-the-body-dies routine—that end's as rigged as the mast on a pirate ship.

In the old paradigm it's a dog-eat-dog world, as they always like to tell us (and have us repeat), so a new alpha male will rise from the ranks as sure as the flag on this ship has a skull and crossbones hidden underneath whatever standard they happened to run up the pole last.  Besides, we don't even know who's at the head of the leviathan—much less where exactly they come from or why they're here doing what they do.  Sure there are stories galore, but what's true?  They all sound likely to me.

No, what we need is a sort of intellectual reformation.  We need to go to the seat of our emotional and cerebral power. That way we know we're coming from the right place.  We start at the point of emergence of All That Is—the heart of the matter—and that's us, in our hearts.

So instead of being fractionated we do something entirely different.  If we look around us we can see examples everywhere to emulate.  Nature does this all the time so why can't we?

Of course if we hadn't ventured so far off into left field we'd have seen it sticking a mile out. But we got distracted by the piper and his techno-tune.  You know, the one with the calculator that says the pie's only so big and you can't have any of mine because then I won't have enough.  So we started fighting about it.  What a surprise.

We were mesmerized and got a wee bit lazy, that's all.  But now the pyramid party's over and it's time to clean up the mess.


OK, so we don't want to be divided but we all want to be an individual.  That's a fair goal despite all the Monty Pythonesque mocking.  And what's the big idea that will save us on this score?  Fractals.

With this new scenario we become a living fractal system of human consciousness anchored by a simple ideal that includes us all.  This fractality is generated by the phi ratio—the only geometry that creates perfect compression. 

Perfect compression includes all shareable information.  In other words, all information is shared so there's no fighting, nothing is destroyed when the parts come back together and all is re-membered—well, that makes sense—hence the power of laying phi.  Yeah, to paraphrase the bard John Lennon, what we need is love.

The really neat part is that while the phi ratio allows for constructive concentration it also generates expansion infinitely outward.  So the golden ratio is key to growth as well.

Let's look around us again and ponder the mysteries of nature.  Why should we do that then?  Well it's there we discover phi in every living, growing system, including us.  It's even in our very DNA (our genetic code, and yes, it's a creative programming language).  See, it works both ways.  We get to flow in and out infinitely.  Really, it's a great system.

And while we're at it, let's recognize the infinite potential of the sacred phire and note that the genesis of 'fire' is no accident either.  When we compress perfectly we get all fired up, so all we have and are is lined up because we sorted it that way, and then we squirt our awareness through zero point at superluminal velocity (faster than the speed of light) to poke our inquisitive noses into "The Field."  It's one helluva ride I can tell you.

By understanding how things work with phi and fractals (another phi word of course) we realize that sustaining the integrity of each component in a system enhances the integrity of the greater One, so all are valid and cherished.  It's a creative program.  There are no losers. 

So put that in your pipe and smoke it.  And when you do, make sure you blow out a smoke ring so you can watch it turn all fractal on itself.  That donut shape it makes is symbolic of the shape of our universe and if we play our cards right it'll be the shape of things to come too.

In a fractal form each individual part shares all it knows.  Naturally, it's in-formation.  It holds no secrets and tells no lies—well, of course it doesn't, it's all information and understood as ally instead.  And then since everything goes round and round to be shared by all, no part goes without—now that's what I call currency.  Of course, every part's within, so no part's without.  Now, doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?

Well at any rate, knowing this, it's not much of a stretch to say that we can feel safe and secure again.  And that's yet another reason not to fight.


OK, this all sounds great, you might say, but still—Earth to kAZ—what do we do when we differ?  You know we don't all think the same and that leads to disagreements.  Well, because of our shared ideal that doesn't really matter.  Remember, we want to be different.  We're unique points of view of the One Consciousness.  So all we need now is a practical way to figure all this out.

First, we acknowledge what works and what doesn't.  This becomes our only definition of good and bad.  And what's good in a working system is co-operative by definition: each part works together with and in the whole.  What doesn't work automatically places itself outside that system.

Naturally, a working system needs well parts, working well together—something we call harmony.  Harmony is achieved through the resolution of individual tones according to a shared ideal.  It's another aspect of the infinite construction of phi.

When tones argue they can't harmonize so we hear 'noise' instead.  Noise is a result of interference and interference is destructive not constructive: waveforms clash rather than build together and where this occurs we find destruction in some form or another.  This makes sense because without the shared ideal there's no promise to work together at all.

So now's a good time to reassess what the term 'compromise' means too.

Compromise is a useful concept that's been severely distorted by the ideology of autocracy we've accepted historically to create order in our world.  But this order is based on a pyramidal structure.  From the perspective of a rigid system like this, compromise is perceived as a weakness, which shows us the reason we've encountered so many problems.  Here's why.

In a pyramid, command and control are imposed from one perspective only—the top down—so alternative points of view are seen as a threat.  In this case compromise becomes impossible.

Think about a triangle and feel how each point pulls and presses on the center.  It must do this in order to remain a triangle; hence we have three distinct points of view and power, all in harmony with one another.  In a triangle all forces and stresses are distributed perfectly throughout, and this is why we use it so often in structures like trusses.  It's a strong form because it performs very efficiently.  In other words, all the parts work well together.  What happens to one part of the triangle is felt and responded to everywhere within the form.  The whole thing works well together to sustain itself.

But as soon as we rotate the triangle to create a pyramid and place it on the ground we have only one apex—and one point of command and control.  Naturally this rigid structure is oppressive to all that support it (unless they're willing allies), with the greatest oppression felt at the base.  No part of the pyramid can move out of line or the whole system fails.  It's a great system if you don't want to go anywhere.

 So the concept of liberty is meaningless, even, ironically, for the head honcho at the top.  Sound familiar?  It should.  We've been living in it.  And this of course is the totalitarian ideal.

The question is, do we like it?


On the other hand, within the fractal fluid holographic web of our proposed system, compromise produces a net gain rather than the diminution of either the process or those involved.  Its emphasis is not on some arbitrary and inflexible rule of law mandated by a singular and supreme authority.  Instead, compromise reinforces the native concept of interconnection itself.  How so?

Compromise is com-promise which is simply a commitment to work together.  Duh! Now why didn't I notice that?  Oh I did.  Good.

So imagine two tendrils in our friend the wildflower field.  They're on the same level and their desire is to reach upward toward the sun.  But of course 'gravity' wants to keep them firmly grounded.  It becomes a bit of a struggle.

Separately they can only grow so far before they fall back down—entwined they can grow much further.  And if they join with other pairs?  You get the picture.  Now we have a vine.  If they compete with each other, how far will they get before they inevitably fall down?  The best they can do is smother each other trying to rise up on their own.  But by cooperating they create a potential to attain 'greatness' together.

When we work together we expand and grow as well.  But clearly those are not desirable attributes for a static pyramid because this form serves to condense and contain matter.

According to the all-seeing 'eye' at the top expansion and growth are impossible.  Its singular purpose is to compress and restrain to ensure conformity within its rigid structure.  And to do that it needs to see everything going on all the time.  Enter the Panopticon.  There's no rest at the top and it's oh so lonely, so it's not much fun either.  Who'd 'a thunk it?

But consider this: a holographic web can evolve and grow in any direction available and still remain a holographic web because it's phlexible.  Now that's a neat concept.  In this case the pie, so to speak, is potentially infinite.  And a smaller sliver of a greater pie gives us what?  A much greater share individually.  And more 'slivers' to share with more and more others.

A holographic web gains by increasing complexity within as well as spreading through nooks and crannies and even out the other side.  In other words, it expands inside and out.  The only attributes it requires to maintain integrity are cohesion and communication.

In our case cohesion is attained through our shared ideal and communication is the feedback loop so each part knows how well it's doing altogether.  As we already said, our feelings perform the same function—they re-lay.  We need them to tell us whether what we're doing works for us or not.  And of course they can: feelings create the field, and they're both fundamental aspects of phi.  Once you make the connection it's a no-brainer really.

The central issue here then is: are we willing to expand and grow by sharing our information and becoming cohesive?  All it takes is the realization that we can and the commitment to get the job done.  By agreeing to a simple ideal of basic principles we provide both.

In a culture of creative sustainable interconnection the ability to co-operate—or work together—is prime.  Hence we see the art in compromise, and the need to tell others what to do is lost in the dance of willing agreement.  Hey, Dick Tator!  See ya!

It's up to us whether we accept an encroaching 'New World Order' based on old ideas of suppression, repression and oppression (so it's not new at all) or a truly new arrangement we agree to and enjoy as an individual expression of our unique personalities; one where we get to order ourselves.

Now, is that so wrong?


Once we're unified in spirit we can rework the form we create however we want.  We can amend it, extend it, play with it and explore it ad infinitum because it's phlexible—or until it no longer serves our purpose.  Maybe after zillions of years we've done it all and we're bored.  But in that case we have a natural exit strategy—which is a very good thing.

If commitment to the ideal fades we just facilitate separation so each party can go its own way.  Of course this means we no longer have a unified whole, but then without agreement we don't have that anyway, do we?

So when we're all done with the basic form, if and when we no longer share the same ideal, we dematerialize the framework all together—just as a caterpillar dissolves itself inside its chrysalis—and then an entirely new system can be created that emerges in a natural process of re-formation.  The sequence starts over again, guided by each of us—all together—as we formulate a new resolution for a new ideal.

Those choosing not to participate then are free to disengage.  No one's stuck, all participate willingly, and the creative expression of life within Eternity is furthered and fulfilled.  Pass the party pies!

Alright then, presuming we're all on board the cruisy ship and ready for such an adventure in conscious manifestation, how might we proceed from here?  Don't we have streamers to put up and coolers to fill?

Well, not so fast Toto.  First we need to clean house; then we set sail.  And then we get to celebrate.


So it's obvious the systems and institutions we've created up till now are crumbling around us, and many—if not most of us—feel in some way threatened, or at least unsure of what that means on a personal level and what comes next.  What we need then is a process.

As we carry the ideal we're intent on co-creating in our hearts, and play with it in our minds, we take a step in the right direction—so this is where we start.


After we agree on our fundamental ideal, sensibly the next thing to do is learn the true nature of the environment we're in right now.  We can't hope to gain insight about our future together until we understand what we already have and how we got here.  We can't clean house if we don't see the mess.  And this is, after all, the purpose of experience.  Well, we've got plenty of that.  But to do this tricky job now requires open minds, open hearts, and courage.

We need to see what we've either actively created or passively allowed under the old hierarchical system.

We use discernment in place of judgment to objectively evaluate what's acceptable (using mind)—subject to being what we are (using heart), which is Human (hint: humane).  We base our assessment ideally; that is, on what works for the individual and the whole altogether according to the principles of our shared vision.

Again, we define good as what works and bad as what doesn't.  It's a simple definition and it's practical.

By using this basic definition we dispatch the whole debate over good and evil once and for all.  Good: works.  Bad: it doesn't.  Simple.  With this one move we dissolve moral and religious dogma and free up all that energy so we can put it to better use for more productive ends. 

Then we continue to dig through the nest of deception that typifies the ways things have been run up to this point (yeah, thanks for that).  We need to see it clearly and we need to see it all.

This part of the process will likely be uncomfortable, painful and heart-rending since the truth of what we've manifested is ridden with suffering, humiliation, abuse and horrors beyond ordinary imagination.  Well, we did sleep through our overlord's party.

Once upon a time we fell asleep on our watch.  That's how the lore got started.  No wonder we have so many—laws that is.

The time to pay the price for our complacency is now, before both the opportunity to make amends and the ability to regain control of our own destiny is lost to us.  If we don't act someone or something else will, which is only appropriate if we don't bother to take care of our own business ourselves

You don't let the kiddies manage the bank account do you?  Oh, we did?  Well then, it's time to pony up and make it right.


To do this each of us must be determined to see truth in its fullness.

We shine a light into every nook and cranny, and we support each other unfailingly as we face our individual and collective truths together.  In this way we assume responsibility for what we've allowed to exist—activity lurking in the shadows of a  world we allowed to come into being.  We face the demons and devils we've been too afraid to see.  Anyone genuinely willing to do this is automatically in.

So we face all our fears.

We have the numbers to support each other and rise to the challenge, and by seeing the process through we overcome the victim/perpetrator roles we've been playing that helped get us into this mess in the first place.

As soon as we assume appropriate responsibility for our own parts—whether active or inactive—we remove our blinders collectively and individually.  Then we take a very good look at what we find.

We rise up from the centers of our own hearts—the 'soil' or soul where our shared ideal grows—and demand we acknowledge who and what we've been, what we are now, and what we can be.  This way we won't get stuck in the horror, sadness, depression, anger or overwhelm because we also look forward to what we can be.  And as we unblock the gridlock we heal.  The more we clear the quicker we heal.  Naturally, because when we unblock we can flow.  Dis-ease is a lack of flow and so this will be a thing of the past too.

Now this process is what we call exponential in that it starts out slowly and then builds to a certain point where, before you know it, everything just sort of blasts its way through the remaining junk that's left.

Imagine clearing out a stuck pipe.  You can get most of the debris out of the way, say, but maybe not all of it, but that doesn't matter because you reach that certain point where the pressure of the water flowing through scours out the residual, et voila, a shiny clean pipe.  Now that drip you had to contend with is a torrent you can control with a faucet.  That's a working system and this is what we can all expect once we clean out our own energy pipes.

So, centered in our hearts we bear our ideal future in mind at all times.  Remember, this ideal is where we're going.  It's a cause for joy that can see us through any pain that might come up.  So that's more good news really, if you think about it.


it's important to note that we won't let the past define us if we see it in its truth and acknowledge how our present naturally flows from all we've done (or not bothered to do)—and then determine to create an alternate future. 

We simply pull ourselves up individually with our collective bootstraps.  As we support each other we'll discover that we won't fall down.  How does the song go?  Oh yeah, "lean on me."  When we all sing it together there are plenty of shoulders to go around.

And here's the big pay-off: as we rise together we quite naturally assume our native, creative, compassionate and human crowns.  We reinvent ourselves and at this point each of us is whir-king.  So that's what those party hats are for—I always wondered.  Well now we get to wear one and know what it really means.  See, through all this we realize self-rule is our inheritance—it's what we're designed to do—as we embrace our genetic and spiritual desire for individual expression within a coherent society.

But let's be very clear about one thing: we only achieve self-autonomy through self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-responsibility.  These are the attributes of a great and powerful ruler and self-rule just makes them all the more true.  The key issue is whether we're determined to summon the integrity and commitment to do it and become one ourselves.

Right now the ball is firmly in our court.  So who wants to play?


Each and every one of us has the power to choose this.  And if we all do, it's a case of, "All aboard!" and no one's left behind.

We're at a point now where we can realize a viable future together, but at this late stage in the game it's really all or nothing: all together we rise to assume command of our own ships and sail with fair winds as a fleet into the promised land—the one we promise together and create ourselves—or we give our power to do this great work away.

Takers are ready and they appear to have us in the bag.  But if our bag is self-determination then together we get to change the rules of the games so they benefit each and every one of us.

We can have fun again!  And that sounds better than a good thing to me—it sounds like a great thing.

It's our choice and we decide.  With the capacity, knowledge and power to do it we either use it now, or lose it for who knows how long?  So what are we then—all cooperating together, or divided and weak alone?

This cycle comes to an end one way or another.  It's time to choose.  And that leaves us with one final question.

Are you willing to climb on board the party boat with the rest of us, or are you content to leave your future in the lap of some other god?

Now that is a very big question.

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